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Spherical Adventure 2

​Job : 

Level Designer,  Programmer

​Platform : 


​Year :
1 month

Spherical Adventure 2 is a proof of concept created by a small team in order to create a real game in the future.

I worked mainly on the level design and gameplay programming.

​The core mechanic brings 2 playable characters linked together in order to move forward. Sphero the ball and Enty the soul.

The game is a platforming puzzle experience taking place in a small open world area. The goal of these two characters is to reach the top of the tower placed in the center of the world.


Enty is a soul who forgot everything about its past, waking up in this strange world, and only able taking possession of objects around it.

Enty found a ball called Sphero and take possession of it. They need each other in order to progress in this world and found the truth about who they are.

+ Layout (draw, editor)
+ Programming (blueprint)
+ Game Design (prototype creation)
+ Level Design with BSP
+ Material creation (material editor)
+ FX creation (cascade editor)
+ Lighting
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