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Nano Tinker

​Job : 

Level Designer,  Programmer

​Platform : 


​Year :
2 months

Nano Tinker is a project handled by me and Dimitri Zanatta (Artist).

After enjoying the fun of the game "Witness", I wanted to create my own puzzle game so I started to design Nano Tinker. 

The game ask you to learn multiple languages in order to move forward (core mechanic, numbers, black and white). 

Each language brings new gameplay (symbols, colors, etc). The player has to understand and learn as much in the failure than in the success.​


Tim Tom is an electronic repairer. He designed a custom suits giving him the ability to become microscopic.

Thanks to that suit, he can repair every electronic devices going directly inside them. It's the beginning of a journey through electronic devices.

+ Layout (draw, editor)
+ Programming (blueprint)
+ Game Design (prototype creation)
+ Material creation (material editor)
+ VFX creation (cascade editor)
+ Voxel editor to UE4 pipe
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